What all minerals a drinking water contains and its benefits. - My Desert Spring Water

What all minerals a drinking water contains and its benefits.

Most of us do not know the importance of drinking water daily as per the requirement of the body, we take it lightly but the importance of water is more than we think. The molecular formula of water is H2O, and it contains trace elements and minerals in minute amounts. Several studies have shown that drinking water is quite an important source of minerals for the body. The ionized minerals and trace elements in water are easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract because they exist in their ionized form. We must make sure that the water that we are drinking contains all the required elements and also meets the quality. For that you need to choose the best water brand and that you can get from the top water company in UAE which is My desert spring water

drinking water

Let’s check on what all minerals water contains and its benefits


Calcium is one of the essential minerals for the overall health and wellbeing of yourself. Calcium in drinking water offers various advantages like bone health, cardiovascular health, muscle function, and reduced kidney stone. Apart from that it also plays an important role in digestive system


Drinking water with moderate or high magnesium concentrations may help reduce cardiac problems and strokes. Magnesium is necessary for the mineralization and growth of the skeleton, just like calcium is. This element’s deficit has been linked to type II diabetes, hypertension, and an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease.


The amount of sodium in drinking water sources affects the electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and the way that muscles and nerves work. This mineral deficiency may result in cramps, weakness, confusion, and convulsions


Although excessive exposure to this element has been associated to a number of health problems, including dental and bone fluorosis, it is helpful in the prevention of dental caries. 

Also read, How to select the best 5 Gallon Water Bottle for Your Family


Bicarbonate functions as a natural buffer, assisting the body in maintaining proper pH levels. It can support a balanced acid-base environment, which is necessary for healthy biological processes, when ingested. By neutralizing stomach acid, the bicarbonate in drinking water can also help with the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. It might also encourage good digestion and help with some digestive problems. However, it’s crucial to remember that consuming too much bicarbonate through drinking water may have negative effects, so it’s always preferable to speak with a healthcare provider for specific advice.


By serving as a source of dietary nitric oxide, which enhances blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues, moderate nitrate levels in drinking water can benefit cardiovascular health, control blood pressure, and boost immunological function.


Drinking water contains chloride, which improves nerve function, aids in digestion, maintains electrolyte balance, and contributes to fluid balance. It is crucial for general hydration and bodily function since it affects blood pressure and pH levels.


In addition to controlling fluid balance, supporting correct muscle and nerve function, keeping healthy blood pressure, and improving cardiovascular health, potassium in drinking water offers a number of advantages. It is a vital mineral for proper human function because it supports kidney health, electrolyte balance, and general hydration.

Contact My Desert Spring Water the leading drinking water company in UAE which provides high quality water that follows all the standards. The highly purified low sodium water is delivered in a 5 gallon water bottle.